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Dear friends,
How do I even begin to tell you about the weekend I spent at Yogahood Australia's outreach training program earlier this year? To say it was powerful would be an understatement.
Hearing from teachers and therapists on the reality of teaching yoga to at-risk youth, refugees, trauma survivors, people with limited mobility and vulnerable communities was nothing short of humbling. And it resonated so deeply with me.
I'll be joining Yogahood Australia as a volunteer teacher later this year but I'd like to begin supporting their incredible work through my 40th birthday fundraiser. And I'd love for you to be part of it - if you choose.
Thank you so much for backing a cause that's so close to my heart.
With love and light,
(Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Yogahood Australia.)
Yogahood Australia
We believe yoga is a powerful tool for personal change and we're committed to making it as accessible to the wider community as possible.
Through our yoga outreach, people who are affected by limited education, addiction, violence, incarceration and physical or mental challenges can experience the peace, hope, empowerment, self respect, and self awareness that comes from the science and practice of yoga.
Yogahood Australia is a non-profit bringing free yoga to at-risk and underserved communities in Melbourne. With your donation, we can provide a yoga mat to people who will benefit from the physical, mental and emotional beneifts of yoga most.