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Workplace Giving is a simple way to donate to charities direct from your pay, and get your donations matched. Most companies match donations, so you could double your impact, giving your charity even more support!

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AUD $515 of AUD $200 target.


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Nicole Rodger

Nicole Rodger

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Nicole Rodger


Hi there!

I'm putting the icing on the cake this birthday by fundraising for a cause that's close to my heart. I've worked for Plan for more than 17 years and I've seen first hand the great work that Plan does supporting children, their families and communities around the world. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small. 

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

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Activity Summary

Donate to make a difference

Plan International Australia

Put simply, we’re the charity for girls’ equality.
We tackle the root causes of poverty, support communities through crises, campaign for gender equality, and help governments do what’s right for children and particularly for girls.
We are here to ignite the creativity, talent and ideas of girls in all their diversities. We are informed by evidence, and always learning. 
We’ve been doing this for more than 80 years, but we don’t do it alone. We bring people together to create change that lasts. Children, families, local communities, government, schools, businesses, and you.
We do what we do so babies can survive their first 1000 days, so children can learn in safe environments, so girls can live and work without discrimination, so young people can stand up for their rights, and so all children can break free from poverty. We view the children, families and local communities we work with as our partners and our equals. We are a secular organisation with no religious or political affiliations.
We believe a better world is possible. An equal world; a world where all children can live happy and healthy lives, and where girls can take their rightful place as equals. This is the world you are helping us create.
A better now for her. A better future for everyone. This is what we stand for. Will you join us?

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