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The Modern Muse Magazine
The Modern Muse Magazine
As part of the 'Donate Your Birthday' article in our Birthday Edition of The Modern Muse Magazine, we decided to create a fundraiser for CARE Australia. After all, we are a women's magazine aiming to support and uplift other women.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to CARE Australia.
We appreciate any donation, no matter how big or small as every bit counts.
Thanks so much for your support!
With love,
Lauren Dickson
Founder of The Modern Muse Magazine
CARE Australia
CARE Australia is a leading international aid organisation that works around the globe to save lives and defeat poverty. We seek a world of hope, inclusion & social justice, where poverty has been overcome & people live in dignity & security.
We know we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. We put women and girls at the heart of our work. Their access to equal opportunities represents a powerful and effective opportunity to end extreme poverty. When one woman escapes poverty, she will bring four others with her.Your donation will help save lives. It will fight poverty and create a more equal world for everyone. It could send a girl to school, help a woman start a small business, help families recover when emergency strikes or help install village water systems.CARE Australia's impact last year:
- We supported 1,372,056 people across 23 countries
- We responded to 37 emergencies in 16 countries
- 445,618 people received humanitarian assistance
- 87% of CARE’s partners were local organisations
- 96% of staff are local to the country where they work
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