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Jessica Monaghan
Jessica Monaghan
Hi everyone!
I've set this page up for you to use if you'd prefer to gift to Act for Kids who do amazing work with abused and neglected children and their families 😊 Charlie is a very lucky girl who already has so many people that love her dearly and she has a lot of things already so if you're struggling to think of a gift for her that you love, please feel free to make a contribution to this charity of any amount.
Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.
Thanks so much
Act for Kids
Act for Kids is a for-purpose organisation that delivers evidence-led professional therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced or are at risk of harm. Our dedicated team of psychologists, speech therapists, early education specialists, counsellors, occupational therapists and family support workers have helped hundreds of thousands of children and families since 1988. Act for Kids operates over 30 centres across Australia and has a team of over 450 staff from Adelaide all the way up to the Cape York Peninsula. Our services have expanded to include integrated therapy, support for vulnerable families, special workshops to empower kids and safe houses in remote Aboriginal communities. Through prevention, treatment, research, education and advocacy, we are committed to supporting thousands of children, young people and their families. To learn more about Act for Kids visit www.actforkids.com.au or call 1300 228 000 today!
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