Donate from your Pay
Workplace Giving is a simple way to donate to charities direct from your pay, and get your donations matched. Most companies match donations, so you could double your impact, giving your charity even more support!
* We are constantly adding new organisations to this list.
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Ella Flanagan-Sjoberg
Ella Flanagan-Sjoberg
for my birthday this year I would like to fundraise for a cause that's close to my heart. I’d appreciate any contribution, big or small. It all helps to make a difference.
[Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.]
thank you so much :)
Suicide Prevention Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) is the national leadership organisation for the suicide prevention sector in Australia. We work with our Members, governments, businesses, researchers and the wider community to meaningfully reduce the number of deaths by suicide that take place in this country. Our vision is a world without suicide.
Recent Donations